Friday, July 31, 2009

Maybe I will start taking this internet thing seriously!!!

So, I just returned from the annual Gathering of the International Society of Glass Bead artists. With me I brought several new colors of reactive glass and a horrible cold. However, I am not one to let a little thing like a drippy nose stop me from playing with fire!

I have been making basic encased spacer beads with new Double Helix glass with moderate success. There is one color that strikes beautifully on the rod, turns green on the mandrel and comes out of the kiln as reddish-brown YUCK! I am finding this to be rather disheartening.

Things that I also find disheartening are the several colors of new 104 glass that I bought from Glass Color. One color is supposed to react like 96 COE Raku Orange, but when I bought it the girls at the table were not sure if it was the color I bought OR the one that looks almost identical to it. "It is ONE of these two glasses...blah, blah, blah."

So I gambled and bought one, evidently the wrong one. The second possibly mistake of a purchase from the same vendor was a "new" silver brown color that looks like red copper green without the green in rod form. I was told that it would yield all kinds of wonderful colors and that it could be used as a good flesh color., don't think so!

So I am thinking I might try this blogging thing for a while, at least until I get my website up and running. (I was going to delete the post I wrote 3 plus years ago, but decided to save it for posterity's sake-whatever THAT means.)

I also have a Etsy store and an Art Fire store (both of which are EMPTY right now). Along with the society-mandated Facebook page and Twitter account, the internet keeps me rather busy.

Anyway, that is all in the vein of updates and explanations from this end...I am off to see how the beads in my kiln look. Keep your fingers crossed!


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Upcoming Craft Show

I will be a vendor at a craft show on Saturday July 1 at 7pm.
The show will be held at Sacred Ground Coffee House on Busch Blvd. in Tampa.

I will be selling loose beads for your own crafty projects as well as finished jewelry.
I will also be accepting custom orders!
(Christmas is closer than you think!)

Please consider stopping by!
If you would like a preview of my work, you can visit my website is

Thank you!